About Blog

Welcome to PlayStation Homies Decor blog. Here we'll show you some inspirational Home decor all done by Riceologist with Cesa & Tru guest starring occasionally. We all know it's not easy to decorate your PlayStation Home apartment so here we'll give you some ideas!

We are part of a PlayStation Home community and this is just one of our blogs. Please feel free to check out our main blog that consists of apartment tours, public space tours and rewards / items: http://playstationhomies.blogspot.com You can find other links to our sites under the tabs. :)

All about Rice. Well, maybe not all about her, more like a little about her. Ricey is a hard working lady with two beautiful children. She also loves to cook and you can find her link under the Rice Cooks tab. She loves to be social so you'll find her on Home chatting it up. If you ever see her stop by & say hello! Possibly tell her you've read her blog and let her know of any ideas. 

Enjoy the blog our humble little blog. (◕‿◕✿)